These are the mental health services we have the most expertise and experience in offering. However, this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of our mental health services. If there are counseling related topics or issues you are interested in learning more about, please contact us to see if we are able to work together or if we can refer you to another source. Counseling sessions are typically 50 minutes.
Our pricing structure is designed around the specific services you need. We employ a sliding scale to ensure that financial restrictions do not prevent anyone from receiving the help they need. These rates will be discussed and agreed upon during your free consultation. Invoices for the services provided are issued at the end of each month.

Individual Sessions
- Coping and Adjustments
- Grief Issues
- Anger Management
- Spiritual Direction
- Art Therapy
- Trauma
- CAMS- Suicidality Treatment

Family, child & adolescent
aged 5 and up
- Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
- Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
- Problematic Sexual Behavior Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (PSB-CBT)
- Art Therapy (AT)

Infant Mental Health 0-5 years
- Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
- Circle of Security (COS)

Expats / Missions
- Stress Management
- Culture Shock
- Debriefing
- Self-care
- Team-care

Schools / Seminars
- Emotional Management Workshop (Children and adolescents)
- Relating to Children’s Emotions (Adults)
- Basic Behavior Management (Adults)
- Body Image and Media Literacy (Adults)
- Bullying Prevention (Children and adolescents)